止滑,防滑,水垢清除,加盟體系總公司-佶川科技止滑大師 -- The floor need make anti-slip treatment in the bathroom, and the area is about 3m². The floor is stone.
防滑影片 防滑相簿 問答集 加盟經銷 施工方法 施工工具 蝦皮商城 佶川公告 聯絡我們 佶川首頁

Q:The floor need make anti-slip treatment in the bathroom, and the area is about 3m². The floor is stone.

A:If the stone floor is granite, please use Granite Flooring Anti-Slip Solution. You must be use in accordance with instructions when you make anti-slip treatment, and then the floor surface will very pretty! If you want to achieve 100% perfect is the best for professional construction!

