止滑,防滑,水垢清除,加盟體系總公司-佶川科技止滑大師 -- Which one non-slip liquid should be use for the arcade and the pebble paving floor? I have used other non-slip liquid, but I'm not sure who to buy before. And now the owner has responded to someone sl
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Q:Which one non-slip liquid should be use for the arcade and the pebble paving floor? I have used other non-slip liquid, but I'm not sure who to buy before. And now the owner has responded to someone slipping! I am a design company, I would like to say that you are a manufacturer of anti-skid agents will be more clear, could you help me judge it?

A:Hello! Because this place has been made anti-slip treatment, so the technical staff recommended that the tile, please use Ceramic Tile #3 Anti-Slip Solution, and the pebble paving floor, please use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution.




