防滑影片 防滑相簿 防滑問答 加盟經銷 施工方法 施工工具 蝦皮商城 佶川公告 聯絡我們 佶川首頁

Q:Is is a very magical product, it really will not slip. I would like to ask how to keep the floor of the anti-slip agent? What should I pay attention to? Do you have anti-slip product for the splotch on the kitchen floor?

A:For a long time, you can thoroughly clean the flooring for the brush with detergent, or use anti-slip liquid to re-construction, and the anti-slip effect will be restore. Hello~ After make anti-slip treatment, you can follow your usual cleaning methods to clean. If you cleaning the floor very clean with detergent and brush, the anti-slip effect will very good and keep the effect longer! Is the kitchen home or restaurant? If the kitchen in the home, we don't have the DIY set of the home kitchen. We recommend to let our professional and technical personnel to construction.
