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Q: For this kind of flooring which looks like metallic tiles, which Anti-Slip Solution should I use ?
A: We did the metal texture tiles which color is silver and looks like rust colored, they all used our Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution, but for this kind of metallic tiles (golden color), we haven't try. We ever did the Mosaic Ceramic Tile above gold-colored paint, for this kind of paint will fade. We do not know this tile's color is painted to or burn ? If it is painted then fired will fade. If it belongs to the metal component added to the glaze firing, it will not fade. The Anti-Slip effect is very good. More important thing is whether it will fade or not ? The easy way, please purchase our Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution to try, if that will fade, we will change another to you. Thanks!
