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Q: If I want to remove scale on glass surface, after I use your product, can I brush it directly? Some of people said using your all purpose detergent can remove scale, I also saw the picture(before using and after using) on the internet. We have tried many kind of pharmacy, but...if that is serious water scale, still can not remove. Can you recommend the product which can remove serious water scale ?
A: Yes! Just so many kind of glass scale, 80% of the scale, you can use our all purpose detergent to removing, 20% of the scale can not. We also have Diamond Polishing Pad (for remove scale on glass surface), but when you use on the serious water scale, is very laborious, we can provide you another product - remove efflorescence and scale, let you try, remember no matter what the product you use, need to pay attention to do not hurt the ground, the easiest way is flushing the ground first, can be prevented.
