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Q:Please look at my photos, I need to use which one of ceramic tile anti-slip solution ? I want to apply in the outdoor - eaves, when the rainy day, easily slip in here.

A:This is the interior ceramic tile, do not sell DIY set, For best appearance and anti-slip performance, please arrange for professional application. At indoor, if you want to do it by yourself, at first, you need to use the lowest anti-slip solution - Ceramic Tile #5 Anti-Slip Solution to try. At outdoor, we also do not sell DIY set. In general, we will use Ceramic Tile #4 Anti-Slip Solution to try, but regard to it will slip in the rainy day, if Ceramic Tile #4 Anti-Slip Solution's effect is not enough, we will change to use Ceramic Tile #3 Anti-Slip Solution.
