止滑,防滑,水垢清除,加盟體系總公司-佶川科技止滑大師 -- May I ask this kind of floor (paste), can you do the anti-slip treatment on it ? Location: mansion public area
防滑影片 防滑相簿 防滑問答 加盟經銷 施工方法 施工工具 蝦皮商城 佶川公告 聯絡我們 佶川首頁

Q:May I ask this kind of floor (paste), can you do the anti-slip treatment on it ? Location: mansion public area

A:It looks like a plastic floor, if you are not sure that it is plastic floor or not, you can take the key to test - scrape it, if that is soft, it must be plastic floor! You can use our Anti-Slip Coating.

