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Q:For this Portuguese pavement, what kind of anti-slip solution should I use ?

A:Hello, this should be Macau! My boss went to Macau and confirm this surface last time, very slippery and some are in the slope, so basically first we will use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution to test, because this surface rarely seen, but use a lot in Macau, use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution to test first, make sure the surface gloss and color are not too much difference, anti-slip effect can do stronger, becasue it is slope at outdoor, it is very dangerous when rainy day. If you use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution, the anti-slip effect is too stronge, please change to Ceramic Tile #2 Anti-Slip Solution, please refer to the instruction. Traditional-style pavement used for many pedestrian areas in Portugal, also used in Macau, there have two kinds of material, typically from limestone or basalt. If that is basalt, use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution would be ok. If that is limestone, please use Terrazzo Flooring Anti-Slip Solution, application of Terrazzo Flooring Anti-Slip Solution, will creat small white bubbles, means it is limestone. But if do not creat small white bubbles, means it is not limestone, it's basalt, please use Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution. It also may happen when application, some of surface may creat small white bubbles, some ofsurface may not, it may mix together, please wipe Ceramic Tile #1 Anti-Slip Solution first and wait 10 minutes, then wipe Terrazzo Flooring Anti-Slip Solution. It is for sure when slope is very big, it's basalt, you feel the anti-slip effect is not enough, it could use SP2 Anti-Slip Solution, if anti-slip effect is enough, you can not useSP2 Anti-Slip Solution.



